Signs Strategic Partnership with SPC Token to formally enter the GameFi market


Asia Capital Strategy Fund, an international financial center based in the Cayman Islands committed to fostering venture capital funds, has formally partnered with SPC Token, an event supported by many stakeholders in the industry and has strengthened the venture’s confidence. Both parties will develop blockchain game projects.

SPC Token plans to launch 2024 a Play-to-green blockchain game – Green Warrior, promoting environmental awareness. With this world’s first Play-to-Green blockchain game, we hope to awaken people to environmental protection. Moreover, by using blockchain technology, this blockchain game will enable players to feel good deeds while playing.

Players in Green Warrior will receive tokens as customs clearance rewards for completing game tasks. Moreover, they can convert tokens into USDT for donations to environmental non-profits. Another part will also go to the Asian Capital Strategic Fund, which will invest in carbon rights and environmental protection projects.

By 2060, China plans to be carbon neutral. By afforestation and other methods, enterprises can offset the amount of carbon dioxide they emit into the atmosphere. Emission rights can be exchanged between businesses and enterprises through the trade of greenhouse gas emission rights.

Using game tokens, the company will trade carbon rights and buy carbon rights from companies in photovoltaics, wind power, and new energy vehicles. Additionally, they can sell them, encouraging companies to reduce carbon emissions.

The reward mechanism for players to earn tokens through games has pushed blockchain games to become increasingly popular. We’re looking forward to Green Warrior. This game is expected to be well received because of the unique environmental protection concept design game mechanism. Allowing players to play for fun provides strength for environmental protection and genuinely contributes to environmental protection.

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