Dookie attracts professional fishing with bored app


According to NFT marketplace OpenSea, billion-dollar NFT collection bored ape Yacht Club’s new sewer-themed video game Dookie Dash has generated more than $40 million in trading in ten days since its release.

Now some seasoned gamers are offering their expertise to participate in the biggest web3 gaming gold rush since Axis Infinity.

The pass holder, regardless of whether he or she has BAYC or MAYC tokens, is entitled to play Dookey Dash. They will give the “Ultimate” prize to the highest-scoring participant. This prize is not only critical to the continuation of BAYC’s storytelling saga “The Trial of Jimmy the Monkey”, but also holds significant monetary value on the open market. They’ll give the prize for the remaining sewer passes based on the highest score.

Although the game parameters border on complexity, Yuga Labs’ hype-heavy gambit reflects the broader trend of top-tier NFT collectibles. It seeks to increase brand awareness and engagement among its existing customers. Other marquee collectibles, including Doodles, Puddy Penguins, and Azuki, have also found ways to stay relevant. Despite last year’s significant price drop.

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