Yuji Mizoguchi, an entrepreneur, is appointed as CEO of Web 3.0 Metaverse ‘XANA’ JAPAN.

Accelerating Business Expansion in Japan

XANA, a web 3.0 metaverse project developed by NOBORDERz (CEO Rio Takeshi Kubo), has announced Yuji Mizoguchi, BACKSTAGE Inc. (HQ: Minato-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Yuji Mizoguchi / Koudai Ozawa (joint)), which promotes the Digital transformation of entertainment, has been appointed CEO of XANA JAPAN, a project for business expansion in Japan.

Reasons for the Appointment and Future Initiatives

XANA is a Web 3.0 Metaverse and Infrastructure that provides a one-stop shop for the functions required for developing metaverses in the Web 3.0 era, such as building metaverses, avatars and games, trading ownership of digital items and monetizing these items easily and freely for everyone. The company has attained world-class quality in infrastructure development, attracting both Japanese and overseas attention.

On the other hand, BACKSTAGE also aims to create a place where people in Japan and around the world can enjoy their lives and have fun, and make a world without loneliness, boredom, and anxiety – which are the challenges of the 21st century – a vision in the making for some time.

By utilizing the XANA metaverse, which is spreading globally, XANA JAPAN provides people with the opportunity to become who they want to be, achieve their dreams, experience the extraordinary, and make new connections in an unreal space. Mizoguchi, the representative of BACKSTAGE, has been appointed CEO of XANA JAPAN with the belief that he can help create the driving force that changes lives in Japan.

The VISION and MISSION of XANA and XANA JAPAN have also been formulated together with Mizoguchi and BACKSTAGE. In the future, XANA will work on the expansion of XANA’s business in Japan and collaborate with various Japanese companies and influencers. In this way, XANA JAPAN aims to become World’s No.1 Web 3.0 Metaverse in terms of the number of users, number of creators, economic sphere, and market cap.

XANA JAPAN CEO/Comments by Yuji Mizoguchi, representative of BACKSTAGE Inc.

Myself Mizoguchi. I am delighted to announce that I have been appointed as CEO of XANA JAPAN. The decision criteria which I emphasized the most in my choice of work, as in this case, is that I want to eliminate loneliness, boredom, and anxiety, the challenges of the 21st century, as much as possible.

XANA’s Founder, RIO, and I have had several discussions with each other until today, Through these discussions, we have come to believe that our mutual direction and the society we wish to achieve are similar.

Through camps and discussions with XANA’s management team, we all created a new vision of ” Another place for everyone to be and a different you”.

We aim to create a metaverse where everyone who feels lonely, bored, or anxious can be who they want to be, do what they want to do and work where they want to, and live happily ever after.

Through XANA, we are determined to make a contribution to society. And I myself will strive to make XANA the most widely recognized and adored Web3 Metaverse in Japan.

We would like to thank you for your continued support and guidance.

【Yuji Mizoguchi’s Profile 】

He started working as a trainer when he was in high school. After working with top athletes and celebrities to build their fitness routines, he founded FiNC Technologies in 2012 and was appointed President and CEO. After raising over 15 billion Yen in funding, he stepped down at the end of March 2020. In April 2020, he established the current WEIN GROUP. In 2021, he founded BACKSTAGE Inc., and in 2022 he became CEO of 3DPhantom Inc., which develops the No.1 Hologram Display in Japan, as well as CEO of the martial arts event BACKSTAGE Inc. COO/Representative of BreakingDown K.K., a martial arts event based on the theme of ‘Decide who is the strongest in one minute’. He also won the WIRED INNOVATION AWARD 2018 20 Innovators, selected as the best president by young presidents.

【Overview of BACKSTAGE Inc.】

“We create together the best stage on which those who take on challenges can shine. We give color to the lives of all those who are beyond it.” The company’s vision is to bring enjoyment to people’s lives and provide behind-the-scenes support in business development, marketing, finance, technology, and other aspects to celebrities, influencers, various companies, individuals, and organizations that are taking on challenges on the stage.

It is primarily responsible for business development, marketing, finance, and technology.
Together, we will shape their ‘thoughts’ and ‘stories’, and create methods and places where new things can be created with the involvement of many people in the world.


Company Name BACKSTAGE Co.
Address SN Building 10F, 1-4-22 Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Established 2022/4
CEO President Yuji Mizoguchi / Koudai Ozawa (joint)
Business Overview Businesses producing original platforms (apps, live streaming, crowdfunding), Fan community building support projects, Support projects by specialist groups
WEBSITE https://backstage.inc/
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