Metaverse XANA Raises Funds on World’s #1 IDO Platform

3648 Investors participated by staking a total of $66 million in funds.

XANA, a Web 3.0 metaverse project developed by NOBORDERz (CEO Rio Takeshi Kubo) is currently raising funds and further developing its community in collaboration with DAOMaker, the world’s number one crypto launchpad. DAO Maker is helping XANA promote, and get everything ready for the IDO. DAO Maker tailored a SHO (strong holder offering) styled IDO for XANA. A total of 3648 investors staking approximately $66 million USD in total funds on DAOMaker got to participate in the $500,000 (65 million yen) SHO designed for XANA. From all the qualifying SHO participants a group of 2,576 investors received the right to purchase $XETA, the XANA Metaverse’s official tokens. XANA’s IDO received the highest total number of qualifying SHO participants in the history of DAOMaker. DAO Maker has already successfully completed IDOs for 99 other projects in the past, and always manages to attract a great deal of attention.

DAOMaker is currently the world’s #1 IDO Launchpad (a platform to help launch projects) in terms of overall rating. DAOMaker has raised more than $40 million USD for 99 projects in the past. Most of these projects have performed well since they were listed. Some of the top projects have increased in price by 200 or even 300 times from the time they were offered.

(Reference Cryptorank research)


Most of the projects that performed a DAO Maker SHO saw great growth after they went public, and got listed. The most recent project, Step.App, attracted significant market attention with a maximum of 147x. XANA has even managed to surpass Step.App in terms of SHO participation, and the total amount of assets that were staked to enter the XANA SHO were also higher. XANA is currently DAOMaker’s best performing project.

The IDO is called the “DAO Round”, and it limits IDO participation only to those people who are staking DAO tokens. Only users holding and staking DAO Maker tokens can participate in this IDO, and the spots for this IDO round are reserved only for the largest stakers. After this round ended on June 1, the “Public Round” started on the same day. In the 12 hours since its opening, the number of participants has already reached a record number of approximately 4,000, and the total amount of participants’ assets staked to enter the XANA IDO has reached approximately $231,357,420 USD. These figures continue to grow even now, indicating the high level of attention that XANA is receiving in the global market.

XANA’s Founder RIO Comments

XANA is a one-stop platform that provides all the infrastructure necessary for the coming Web 3.0 type of metaverse. In order to realize our goal of a decentralized metaverse that is truly owned by users, rather than a traditional centralized social media corporation, traditional means of fundraising through the issuance of shares will simply not work. Traditional centralized companies always look after their major institutional shareholders, and board of directors because for them it takes precedence, even if it means they end up neglecting their user base as well as the community. The initiative XANA took with DAOMaker is ideal because it allows everyone to gradually become a part of the XANA Metaverse with minimal room for corporate favoritism, thus allowing everyone to create an independent future with their own hands. As a result of collaborating with DAO Maker for this IDO, in just a few days nearly 10,000 ordinary people from all over the world have already become involved with the XANA Metaverse not just as consumers, or investors, but as community members that are part of the project. I am convinced that a funding round such as this does not, and cannot exist with traditional centralized funding mechanisms. This sale highlighted the true form of Web 3.0 type funding, and autonomous decentralized community development that the world should look forward to.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to DAOMaker, the participants, and above all to the XANA DAO (DAO = decentralized autonomous organization) community. The XANA DAO community continues to support XANA on a daily basis, so let’s use this as a starting point to move forward together toward the new world we are aiming for.

About DAOMaker

Based in the Czech Republic, DAOMaker is a new funding and project support platform called “Launchpad” for the Web 3.0 era with the concept of “reinventing venture capital for everyone”. In the past, the company has successfully raised a total of approximately $40 million USD for 99 projects. It is currently the world’s number one launchpad and IDO platform.

XANA Project page


■ About XANA

NOBORDER.z has developed XANA as an NFT-based metaverse platform with blockchain infrastructure. We provide various products, services, and technologies so that users, companies, and IPs can freely perform multiple activities on the Metaverse. It is currently one of the world’s most popular metaverse platforms, announcing amazing collaborations such as the Koto Heartfull Museum, which aims to promote the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, Milan Fashion Week in Italy, ULTRAMAN, Astro Boy x local government, and many more.



■ XANA Metaverse App (Public Alpha Version)

App Store
Google Play


■ About NoBorderZ

NoborderZ is a next-generation entertainment technology company with a vision of “a world without borders” and operations in five countries worldwide, centered in New York, the USA and Dubai. The company operates a business that fuses entertainment and technology, including a metaverse based on blockchain technology and an NFT platform.

Company Name NOBORDER.z FZE
location Business Center, AI Smooch Building, UAQ Free Trade Zone, Umm AI Quwain, UAE.
Business content Development of blockchain technology, VR, XR, AI, NFT and operation of services
Representative Rio Takeshi Kubo
Corporate site
Representative Twitter


■ Contact Information

Department Public relations department
Inquiry [email protected]


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