Artificial Intelligence created the design of pet supplies.

Artificial Intelligence created the design of pet supplies.

Perseiline specialists taught a neural network to create product designs for animals. They defended the AI design. It does use NFT technology. Now it is being used for a lot of creative stuff. A well-trained specialist can develop exciting techniques as well as artificial intelligence.

About PerseiLine

PerseiLine was a pet products company that built a neural net that generated ideas based on catalogs. The machine trained on 1,800 pictures, most of which were graphic patterns. Artificial intelligence has two tasks: learn how to make textures when elements are not matching. Learn to spot similarities in different pictures and draw them in an unusual style. The company admits it had expected an entirely different kind of execution.

Rise of AI

The NFT Cryptographic Certificate will make the neural network pattern a digitized thing. There will come a time when most designers will start using artificial intelligence in the design process. Perseiline chief manager, says we did it a little earlier in our field than others.

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